Friday, December 26, 2008


While I was on facebook, I stumbled across this video documentary made by two co-workers of mine. As soon as I clicked upon the link, I knew exactly what it was going to be about. More than once, the thought flashed through my mind to close the box and go back to checking news feeds and status updates, simply because I knew it was going to be uncomfortable. But for some reason, I couldn't. This interview, and Tim's perspective, reflects a lot of what I believe the outside world thinks about Christianity and those who don the responsibility of bearing His name, as well as the need for the followers of Christ to be equipped and step up.

It takes a lot more than just professing Him as our Lord. That is simply the start. It takes an adherence to the Word, submission in one's mind and a yearning to take action. Christ has to saturate our every thought, encapsulate our every word, engulf us until there is nothing of ourselves left. Honestly, Christians don't need encouragement as much as they need to know the weight of eternity, the glory of the gospel, and the hope of His calling.

Far too often, I find myself taking the easy way out, hanging out with Christian homies and doing the same old stuff while there is a world of Tims out there, a world of people crying for hope, a world that wants to believe in SOMETHING, ANYTHING. This is the REALITY of the situation. 

But of course, we can't see that if we're in our Christian bubbles professing our piety to each other.

Is there anybody out there willing to tell them about the hope that is in Christ?

Even more so, willing to show them?


  1. wow that video was heart-wrenching. i think it's good for us to see these things and hear about them, because you're right-- it's so easy to get caught up in our Christian bubbles and forget the WEIGHT of the freedom God has given us, freedom to live for Him.

    "let My people go, that they may serve Me." exodus 9:13

  2. this was a good post allan, keep writing.
