The long awaited date to watch the widely acclaimed musical, “Wicked,” finally came. I remember almost exactly a year ago, a couple of friends from HOC planned to go watch “Wicked,” and I intended on going along with them. However, due to some unforeseen events, I was unable to go. Now that has all changed, I finally get to seize the opportunity to watch the musical with Tiffany Chai and others. I’m sure most of you know that green plus Tiffany Chai equals bunches of squeals and giggles.
As I entered the Pantages Theater, I was planning to admire the architect of the building and the decorations; sadly, I wasn't able to. We were a bit late and we couldn’t miss one second of the musical. As the entire ceiling lights began to pulsate to notify the audience that the play is about to begin, all of us rushed into the theater and made it just in time for the beginning of the first act.
“You know what? I have changed, and to show my dedication I will change my name from Galinda to Glenda!”
To inform the people that forgotten about the musical or those who have not seen the musical at all, one of the main characters decides to turn over a new leaf. Galinda (I hope I spelled it right) decides to change her name and start afresh on doing good deeds and helping others. The audience laughed awhile the other characters in the play stared at her awkwardly. As if changing your name will make a difference to your stupidity and the forces of fate for your life. Fiyero will forever be with Elphaba and there is nothing you can do about! Er-hm, I lost myself a bit there.
Revelation 2:17
“He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To him who overcomes, I will give some of the hidden manna. I will also give him a white stone with a new name written on it, known only to him who receives it.”
I just came back from HOC’s First Service retreat, “Second Nature,” and Pastor Rand Cho preached about getting in tune to the “Second Nature,” or Christ’s nature, in our lives. The White Stone represents an invitation in Jewish traditional weddings. The invitation of a white stone is given to each person with his or her name carved on the stone, and the people who attend the wedding will enter by showing the white stone as a valid certificate. Another representation of the white stone was used in ancient times of a court ruling system. The white stone represents innocent and the black stone represents guilty to the person under trial.
God emphasizes a huge importance on names. In fact, one of the Ten Commandments does not allow anyone to misuse His very own name. The whole principle of names is to refer to the person’s identity. The name represents the perception of the individual. One of the kids that came to the retreat, named Junming, was acting weird to say the least. (I can write another entire blog about this little bundle of blessing, but I’ll save your sore eyes from making this blog even longer.) I view him as if he was my very own little brother and I care for him very dearly. However, one annoy thing he does is to greet you consecutively in every 10 minute intervals.
“How was your day? What is your name again? How are you doing?”
At first, it was very admirable, but it slowly began to be very pestering. Throughout the retreat he began to give names to each person, especially the leaders. Andy became Ally. Dennis became Dentist, and Chester became Chesthair. It was a great laugh, but names refer to one’s identity. And there is only so far you can go with name calling, and to say the least, the punishment was justly served. Haha!
If you just skipped reading this whole blog, the main point is this:
Once we are saved in our Lord’s name, He will give us a new name. Why, you ask? Why not our own old name? Why not keep the same name?
It is because our old name falls short of God’s glory. Our old name is insufficient to meet the threshold of God’s perfect standard. The perfect God sees the imperfection and gives you a “new name”
Let us rejoice, for we are shown innocent in trial, and we are cordially invited to His wedding, your wedding, my wedding, the unification of the Groom and the bride.
He has altered the fate of our lives of deserving punishment, and given us new names and eternal life
"The beauty of Grace is that it makes life not fair."
Oh yeah, Happy New Years Lux Mundi!
Very good!