So, "Agape Intermedia" did a wedding recently! On March 15th, 2009, which explained why Crystal, Mike, Becca, and I left HOC so early and couldn't be found until later at night! I had fun, though my arms shook a lot and it was the first wedding I've done on my own as the only videographer! Wah! So nervous, but because my brother and sisters were there, I feel as though they really liked us and =) it was all good as gravy. Anyways, here's the video of the highlight reel and I hope you guys like it because, well, at first I didn't want to share it with you guys because this site is so inactive, but if I don't... who will?
wow tiff, that was really good. I don't even know those people and I was getting a little teary-eyed. Keep using your gifts. I know you very much blessed that couple.
wow tiff, that was really good. I don't even know those people and I was getting a little teary-eyed. Keep using your gifts. I know you very much blessed that couple.