Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Jesse Lee

Of all the blessed people I'd had the honor of knowing and meeting and greeting... none but Jesse Lee had ever really made my eyes open with new curiosity... nor made eyes squint from the glow of childlike awesome-ness the way he did! Who other than the leader of LMMG could bring together and create new ventures unknown and realized before?

Thus, this honorous tribute post goes to our fearlessly fun and exciting leader, the one and only of his unique caliber and stoic optimism... Thank you for loving us all!

You're a H.O.M.P. of the best grade! Good luck on your interview! We ridin' behind you all the way!! Hail, Jesse Lee of greatness unrivaled!


  1. where would i be...
    without jesse lee? :D

  2. what's a H.O.M.P?
    i said it out loud and my sister replied "homie of mass proportions" HAHAHA
